Monday, February 28, 2011

Skyline GT-R V-Spec II

This is a picture (below) of my favorite car in the world, the Skyline GT-R. Here's a video of one. Stock 276 hp all wheel drive, but the one in the video has 700-800hp.

Here's a video of a Skyline on the dyno.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Adrenaline - You don't even feel the pain.

My name is Tyler Briggs. I'm 175 lbs, 6 feet tall, athletic body. I have a high interest in imported cars.

A few of my favorite websites :

YouTube - I watch videos at least 35% of the time when I'm on the computer. ( at my house )

Facebook - I use this 15% of the time, just quickly look at updates, and  make updates myself. - Play this game once in awhile when I'm bored. Rarely do anymore since I'm working a lot and spend a lot of time with my girlfriend.